Traveling Through Time

  • Installation
  • Research

The spirit of 'Le Faubourg' as a time-traveling floor that transforms into a portal.

  • by Dutch Invertuals
  • Paris, FR

Across the world, every Hermès store features a mosaic floor. The woven motif was first applied at Le Faubourg, the first Hermès store to ever open its doors in Paris. The iconic floor, a silent witness to a century’s worth of stories, has stood steadfast as a carrier of history. The visitors were only passing by with their stories, while the iconic floor pattern remains the stable factor, carrying the past and the future.

The iconic floor, a silent witness to a century’s worth of stories, has stood steadfast as a carrier of history.

We show the spirit of Le Faubourg as a time-traveling floor that transforms into a portal, where the classic items of Hermès are drawn in and, on the other side, emerge as new products. All tiles are handmade, showcasing the classic earth colors and the vibrant colors of the new products.

The Sèvres window display came together with a great team of designers who were part of this ambitious creative process.

Thanks to the team of Hermès Paris, Flavie Papin, Marie Martin and Denis Schmitz for the great collaboration.

All tiles are handmade, showcasing the classic earth colors and the vibrant colors of the new products.

The Hermès shoes are walking around on the floor heading towards new stories.


Made possible by

Dutch Invertuals team


Thanks to

The team of Hermès Paris, Flavie Papin, Marie Martin and Denis Schmitz


Alex Profit